Turmeric has been around for thousands of years, first founded in Asia. It was first used as a dye and then later it was used for its medicine and healing properties. We love incorporating Turmeric into our skincare products because of its amazing benefits. Our best seller, the Turmeric Moisturizing Oil is a customer-favourite and here’s why.

  1. It lightens acne scars
    Say good-bye to acne scars forever. After releasing our Turmeric Moisturizing Oil to the public we started to receive a flood of positive reviews from our lovely customers about how stubborn scars they have had for years suddenly VANISHED after applying our Turmeric Moisturizing Oil religiously. But don’t take our word for it, check out the reviews at fountainofpurity.com
  2. It reduces and prevents blemishes
    One of the many great things about Turmeric is that it is a natural anti-septic. The good thing about this is it helps prevent bacteria from spreading. The main reason why we experience those pesky zits and the occasional acne flare up is due to excess bacteria. Applying the Turmeric Moisturizing Oil on blemishes is a good way to reduce and prevent them. So many of our customers have sent us before and after pictures of their acne clearing up, check them out on our IG page @fountainofpurity
  3. It brightens your complexion
    Turmeric contains a powerful antioxidant called curcumin which is amazing for brightening your complexion and evening out your skin tone. Brighter days are here with our Turmeric Moisturizing Oil!
  4. Reduces redness
    Turmeric is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties. What isn’t turmeric good for? Applying a dab of this oil on a zit will instantly reduce redness and swelling the next morning!
  5. Moisturizes and fights acne at the same time!
    Not only does our Turmeric Moisturizing Oil moisturize your skin and leave it soft and glowing but, it also fights acne at the same time. Who can say no to this power-house combination?

There you have it! Our Turmeric Moisturizing Oil has endless benefits that your skin will love! It’s available for purchase online at www.fountainofpurity.com